Our high-conviction, unconstrained approach to fixed income investing allows for a high degree of flexibility, enabling us to rapidly adapt to changing market conditions.
Every team member is a global credit specialist, free to commit to their ideas. Different perspectives are valued in what has become a positive culture of debate. This collective expertise brings creativity and rigour to the investment process, focused on delivering the risk-adjusted returns our clients expect.
All our fixed income funds are SFDR Article 8 or 9 and through engagement, we actively encourage responsible and sustainable industry practices. To assess how material ESG issues can positively and negatively impact overall credit profiles, we integrate ESG and extra-financial considerations into our analysis. We believe that this is key to understanding risks and long-term opportunities.
Global Fixed Income
Total return strategy aiming for attractive risk-adjusted returns in all market environments.
Allocates across the global fixed income universe to provide a core fixed income portfolio which aims to access the best market opportunities at all times.
Global Fixed Income
Total return strategy aiming for attractive risk-adjusted returns in all market environments.
Invests across the global high yield universe, with a flexible, unconstrained approach.
Global Fixed Income
Global strategy aiming to achieve a return in excess of global short duration bond markets by investing primarily in investment grade short-term debt securities.
Focus on hard maturity (not callable) bonds to limit default, extension risk and volatility.
Emerging markets fixed income
Unconstrained, 'best ideas' strategy which invests in a combination of hard and local currency emerging market bonds (sovereign and corporate).
Invests with an emphasis on quality and liquidity.
Climate Bonds
Thematic bond strategy to tackle climate change whilst not compromising on financial returns.
Invests in a combination of green bonds and issuers engaged in the energy transition.