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Convertible Bonds

Changes to our Convertible Bond Investment Team

We are pleased to announce that Nico Cremieux will today assume full responsibility for the team as Head of Convertibles.

  • Publications

Previously Nico co-headed the team along with Renaud Martin, who has now left the business to pursue other interests. Nico is well supported in his position by Benjamin Barretaud, who joined Mirabaud Asset Management last year to work alongside Nico in managing the successful Sustainable Global Converts strategy. This is one of our flagship investment strategies, recently winning two European Lipper awards for top performance over three and five years. 
In addition, the team manages the European Convertibles strategy and the Discovery Convertibles strategy. With Renaud Martin’s departure, Celia Levy will continue as fund manager on the European strategy, with Nico replacing Renaud as lead fund manager. 

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